Inclement Weather
When bad weather threatens, all schools are equipped with either a weather-band radio or the weather channel on television, or Internet which the administration monitors constantly. During a tornado warning, all children are brought into the main building and arranged in the most secure manner possible. Experience tells us that more often than not, we are faced with big decisions concerning weather at dismissal time. For this reason, we want you to be fully aware of the basic guidelines we follow when bad weather occurs.
Tornado Warning:
- Buses and car drivers are not dismissed, and students are secured in the main buildings.
- Car riders are dismissed to their parents who wish to check them out through the office; however, we discourage this practice.
Snow and Ice Conditions:
- This type of weather creates an entirely different problem because of its unpredictable nature. Since lost days must be made up, our basic philosophy is that we have school unless or until conditions (ex. icy roads, downed power lines) dictate otherwise.
In the event of bad weather, the decision to cancel classes will be made by the Superintendent of Education and relayed to the parents by the district's Emergency Calling System and television stations.
Please see the Tate County School District Parent/Student Handbook for more information on inclement weather policies.